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Canada Start-up Visa Program

The Canada Start-up Visa (SUV) Program aims to attract innovative entrepreneurs from around the globe to establish their businesses in Canada. The program provides permanent residency to eligible start-up founders who can create jobs for Canadians and compete on a global scale.

Visit the official webpage of IRCC for information on Start-up Visa program

Why Canada?​

For more detailed information, you can visit the official pages of the Government of Canada:

Canada is an attractive destination to start a startup due to its supportive immigration policies, stable economy, and diverse funding opportunities. The country boasts a vibrant innovation ecosystem, high quality of life, and inclusive society.


World-class universities like the University of Toronto, McGill University, and the University of British Columbia produce skilled graduates in AI, biotech, and clean technology. Research institutions such as the Vector Institute and Montreal’s Mila lead in AI, supported by the National Research Council's Industrial Research Assistance Program.

Major innovation superclusters across provinces, including Ontario's tech hubs in Waterloo and Toronto, BC's digital media cluster in Vancouver, Alberta's energy and tech sectors in Calgary and Edmonton, and Quebec's AI sector in Montreal, drive a thriving startup environment.

Canada’s commitment to sustainability, with investments in clean technology, and its universal healthcare, safety, and multiculturalism, ensure a high standard of living, making it ideal for international entrepreneurs and their families.

Why Us

Global Perspective, Local Insight 

Our team spans across three continents and is deeply integrated into local tech/innovation ecosystems. Though collaborating closely with top university science and tech centers, accelerators, angel organizations and top-tier professional service providers, we facilitate resource integration and support visionary entrepreneurs for growth.

Industry Focus + Strategic Alignment 

We conduct top-down studies of tech developments globally to identify sectors at the verge of explosive growth. By focusing on industries where we have in-depth understanding and extensive resources globally, we proactively reach out to startups with "unicorn" potential. INP Capital is the ideal strategic investor/partner for vertical integration along the industry value chain or horizontal global market expansion.

IRCC Designated Organization 

INP Capital is one of the 26 recognized venture capital funds by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to support global startups. This designation means INP Capital can provide funding support to innovative startups capable of competing on a global stage.

By leveraging INP Capital's expertise, funding, mentorship, global networks, and strategic insights, immigrant entrepreneurs can significantly enhance their chances of successfully establishing and growing their startups in Canada.

Key Features of the Start-up Visa Program

       1. Eligibility Requirements:




       2. Designated Organizations:

       3. Application Process:




       4. Permanent Residence:

  • Qualifying Business: Entrepreneurs must establish a business incorporated and operating in Canada.

  • Commitment Certificate/Letter of Support: Applicants require a letter of support from a designated organization, such as a venture capital fund, angel investor group, or business incubator.                 

  • Language Proficiency: Proficiency in English or French at Canadian Language Benchmark level 5.

  • Settlement Funds: Applicants must have sufficient funds to settle in Canada.

  • Venture Capital Funds: Applicants must secure a minimum investment of $200,000 CAD.

  • Angel Investor Groups: Minimum investment of $75,000 CAD is required.

  • Business Incubators: Entrepreneurs need acceptance into a Canadian business incubator program.

  • Secure a commitment from a designated organization.

  • Apply for a start-up visa through the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) portal.

  • Fulfill medical, security, and other conditions as required.

  • The processing time typically ranges from 12 to 16 months.

  • Successful applicants are granted direct permanent residency without the need for a temporary visa first.

  • Permanent residency status can be maintained even if the business venture does not succeed.

Benefits of the Start-up Visa Program

  • Immediate Permanent Residency: Successful applicants gain immediate access to permanent residency in Canada.

  • Entrepreneurial Support: Entrepreneurs receive backing from Canadian venture capital funds, angel investors, and business incubators.

  • Contribution to Economic Growth: The program facilitates entrepreneurs in contributing to Canada's economy through job creation and innovation.

Useful Links

For detailed information on the Start-up Visa Program, visit the official Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) pages:

This program is a golden opportunity for innovative entrepreneurs to bring their business ideas to life in Canada, benefiting from the country's robust support system for start-ups.

​Next steps

Submit a business plan below outlining your startup's vision, market opportunity, competitive advantage,            and growth strategy.

Once received, our team will review the plan thoroughly, and if it aligns with our investment criteria,                      someone will be in touch to discuss further steps and potential collaboration opportunities.

Please fill the questionnaire below

Your Country of Origin
What’s your startup stage (choose the highest one that applies)

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